GOMILA ANTONIO, SA ., leader in the construction industry with implantation insular and regional level, has always belonged to the group of large companies involved in the infrastructure development of our business community.
Since its inception in 1988, the corporate purpose of the company, initially focused on the construction of all types of works and installations, has expanded its scope of work and adapt to new expectations within the construction industry and services, thus passing to develop investment projects and property development, provision of water supply services and sewerage, cleaning and maintenance of facilities, urban solid waste collection, maritime passenger transport, treatment, treatment, utilization, processing, collection, storage, transport and water and waste disposal, etc..
Following this line of expansion, in the month of May 2008 the company GOMILA ANTONIO, SA was awarded the SERVICE MUNICIPAL WATER AND SANITATION OF TERM MUNICIPAL DE ES MERCADAL.
The objective of this new project is to get to Es Mercadal TM service center Supply and Sanitation own waters of a modern, sustainable Municipality, adapted to new technologies and constant tourist, commercial and industrial development.
GOMILA ANTONIO, SA has the capacity to develop the project by providing them with a highly qualified staff and adequate material resources, all integrated within a System of Quality Management based on UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2000, certified by AENOR as a guarantee of compliance with the best practices required by the rules.
On the other hand GOMILA ANTONIO, SA , in its commitment to environmental preservation, has an Environmental Management System based on the UNE-EN ISO 14:001:2.004 certified by AENOR as security for compliance of good practice required by the rules, which integrates environmental protection into our overall management.
Finally, in the prevention of occupational hazards, GOMILA ANTONIO, SA also has a Management System of Occupational Risks based on standard OHSAS certified by AENOR 18001:2.007 to guarantee compliance of good practice required by the rules, which is to establish the requirements that allow greater control over the risks and improve the performance of actions in terms of safety and health for workers.